Editor-in-chief |
Date of birth: 29 March 1972. Education Professional experience 1998 Lead Editor in Editorial Board of encyclopedia and reference books in Publishing House "Mashinostroenie" 1999 Graduated from editorial courses at the Moscow State University of Printing 1999–2000 Deputy Head of the Editorial Board of encyclopedia, reference and general technical literature in publishing house "Mashinostroenie" 2001–2008 Deputy Editor of the Editorial Board of encyclopedia, reference and general technical literature in publishing house "Mashinostroenie". During this period the next books were published: "Handbook of Design and Machine Engineer" (Spravochnik konstruktora-mashinostroitelya) by Anuriev V.I. in three volumes (the editor of the 3rd volume); "Database of Steel and Alloys" (Marochnik stalej i splavov) (the editor); "Handbook of technologist and mechanic" (Spravochnik tekhnologa-mashinostroitelya) (the editor); the directory in 8 volumes "Non-destructive testing" (Nerazrushayushhij kontrol') (the editor of the series, the editor of the 3rd volume); handbook "Non-destructive testing and diagnostics" (Nerazrushayushhij kontrol' i diagnostika) (the editor) and others. 2008–2009 Deputy General Director for the production of the publishing house "Mashinostroenie" 1998 till now Deputy Chief Editor of "Kontrol’. Diagnostika" (Testing. Diagnostics) 2000 till now Member of the Board of the Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics (RSNTTD). 2010 till now Chief Editor of "SPRAVOCHNIK. Inzhenernyi zhurnal" (HANDBOOK. An Engineering journal) 2011 till now Chief Editor of "The publishing house "Spectr". Published: series "Diagnostics of safety" (Diagnostika bezopasnosti) of 20 books (the editor of the series, the editor of the book "Dye penetrant inspection" (Kapillyarnyj kontrol')), "Infrared thermography and thermal testing" (Infrakrasnaya termografiya i teplovoj kontrol') by Vavilov V.P. (the editor); "Science of machines in plan, illustrations and drawings " (Mashinovedenie na yazyke skhem, risunkov i chertezhej) by Krainev A.F. in 2 books (the editor); "The art of building machines and equipment" (Iskusstvo postroeniya mashin i sooruzhenij) by Krainev A.F. (the editor); "Reliability of engineering products. Theory and Practice" (Nadezhnost' izdelij mashinostroeniya. Teoriya i praktika) by Truhanov V.M. (the editor) and others. 2011 till now Deputy Editor of the journal "Herald of computer and information technologies" (Vestnik komp'iuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii) 2012 till now Deputy Editor of the journal "Territory of NDT" |