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10 | 03 | 2025
2016, 04 апрель (April)

DOI: 10.14489/hb.2016.04.pp.057-063

Микаева С. А., Микаева С. А.
(c. 57-63)

Аннотация. В исследовательских целях и в инженерной практике целесообразно применять математические модели с максимальным учетом известных физических процессов и явлений, связей между микрохарактеристиками плазмы и макрохарактеристиками ламп, физических свойств материалов (прежде всего, люминофоров, ртути и инертных газов), явлений в приэлектродной области. В данной статье представлена теория расчета характеристик положительного столба компактных люминесцентных ламп с использованием современных средств вычислительной техники; основные процессы и характеристики, подлежащие учету в математической модели для трубок малого диаметра; основные формулы расчета удельного светового потока положительного столба с многокомпонентными люминофорными слоями; расчет энергетического коэффициента полезного действия излучения и затрат на упругие соударения и ионизацию. Приведены характеристики люминофоров и люминофорных покрытий слоев люминесцентных ламп различных цветностей. Представлена блок-схема программы LUMEN-COMPACT.

Ключевые слова: математическая модель; формула, программа; компактная люминесцентная лампа; диаметр лампы; давление; люминофор.

Mikaeva S. A., Mikaeva A. S.
(pp. 57-63)

Abstract. For research purposes and in engineering practice, it is expedient to apply the mathematical models with maximum regard to the known physical processes and phenomena, relations between mikrocharacteristics plasma and between makrocharacteristics lamps, the physical properties of materials (first of all phosphors, mercury and inert gases), phenomena in the electrode region. This article presents the theory of calculation of characteristics of the positive post compact fluorescent lamps using modern computer technology; the basic processes and characteristics that should be onsite mathematical model for small diameter tubes; the basic formula of calculation of the unit of luminous flux positive column with a multi-component phosphor-governmental layers; the calculation of the energy efficiency of radiation and costs on the elastic collision and ionization. The table shows the characteristics of the phosphors and phosphor coating layers fluorescent lamps of different colours systems. Block diagram of the program LUMEN-COMPACT. In the mathematical model were determined all energy levels of mercury, transitions between which determine the basic processes in plasma, namely: 61S0; 63Р0,1,2; 61Р1; 73S1; 63D1,2,3, state of ionization. Applied approximation of experimentally obtained excitation cross-sections depending on the mode of the discharge. Considered the most probable processes of ionization taking into account the excited atoms (speed, direct associative ionization), as they not only determine the distribution of electron concentration on the radius, but also make a significant contribution to the balance of excited atoms. The program for calculation of the coefficient was used, selected specifically for compact fluorescent lamps through the harmonization of the calculated and experimental values of the flow line of 253,7 nm. Used profile lines, which gives good results at low and high pressure mercury. Taken into account losses of energy not only when the collision of electrons with atoms of argon, but with atoms of mercury especially necessary at high pressures mercury, as well as the redistri-bution over the cross section of tube density of neutral particles at high discharge currents. Taken into account the radial distribution over the cross section of the radiation of the visible triplet mercury and hyperfine structure of the line for the spectrum of patterns lines 184,9 nm and 253,7 nm. The effective probability of departure photons calculated by applying contour lines of fine structure and isotopic composition of mercury. Take into account the characteristics of the phosphors and properties of phosphor coating for the calculation of approximation to the real working conditions of compact fluorescent lamps. Discussed the results of calculations, their analysis in view of the elementary processes in plasma and influence behavior mikrocharac-teristics when you change the parameters of the discharge, the comparison of calculation results with private and literary experimental results allow to make the following conclusions: the program allows you to receive micro – and makrocharacteristics positive column of the discharge parameters, which are sufficient for engineering purposes coincide with the available experimental data; calculation of the radial dependences of plasma mikrocharacteristics allows to explain the behavior of specific makrocharacteristics positive column and the energy balance in the positive pole, taking into account the acceptable accuracy of calculations of specific characteristics of positive column of results obtained can be applied for calculation of characteristics of compact fluorescent lamps of a different design.

Keywords: Mathematical model; The formula program; Compact fluorescent lamp; Lamp diameter; Pressure; Phosphor.


С. А. Микаева, А. С. Микаева (Московский государственный университет приборостроения и информатики) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


S. A. Mikaeva, A. S. Mikaeva (Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.


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