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10 | 03 | 2025
2015, 07 июль (July)

DOI: 10.14489/hb.2015.07.pp.003-005

Славин А. В.
(с. 3-5)

Аннотация. Сформулированы основные технологические принципы создания шлифовальных кругов с высокой режущей способностью и минимальной склонностью к засаливанию. Реализация принципа достижения максимального расстояния между абразивными зернами и максимальной длины мостиков связки обеспечивается созданием скрытой пористости благодаря введению в состав формовочной смеси изометрических зерен карбида кремния.

Ключевые слова: засаливание; шлифовальный круг; высокопористый инструмент; изометрическое зерно; механическая прочность; карбид кремния; электрокорунд; мостики связки.


Slavin A. V.
(pp. 3-5)

Abstract. Process Improvement grinding blanks associated with the creation of an abrasive tool with a stable and high cutting capacity. The loss of the cutting ability of the grinding wheel is due to blunting and clogging its cutting profile, which are implemented by adhering to the top of chips grains and filling them between grains space. Real reserve to reduce clogging of the grinding wheel is rational selection of coolant, the use of impregnation tool impregnator. It is known that the use of high-porosity tool to stabilize its ability to increase the cutting tool life. Each of the known ways to improve the cutting ability of the grinding tool has its advantages and applications. Using a high-porosity tool has certain limitations arising from the conditions of its operation, in particular, weakened by the presence of a significant amount of long shard grinding wheel on a ceramic binder does not allow to process at high loads. Production of this type of tool is complicated by high costs of production technology and the emergence of such species as the heterogeneity of the structure of marriage, leading to an imbalance. Application of rational structures and coolant impregnation also has a limit to achieve a minimum range of brining. Growth room structure of the grinding wheel leads to reduction z, i.e. reduce the number of abrasive grains, committing metal removal during grinding. Growth hardness range leads to a decrease in the distance between the abrasive grains, i.e. increasing the number of abrasive particles capable of removing metal. However, the deteriorating conditions of accommodation breakaway chips in contact "circle – blank." Seems advisable to create an instrument with a structure that provides the mechanical strength of the grinding wheel with the ability to resist clogging Profile products dispersing. Achieving this goal requires that the grinding wheel has a density (with a minimum porosity) with the structure and interaction with the treated surface of the workpiece has been transformed by increasing the distance between the abrasive grains, which increases the volume to accommodate the circumference of the cutting profile of the tool, and also improves the conditions for the transportation of coolant in contact with the workpiece.

Keywords: Clogging; Grinding wheel; High porosity tool; Isometric grains; Mechanical strength; Silicon carbide; Aluminium oxide; Bridges ligaments.


А. В. Славин (Волжский институт строительства и технологий (филиал) Волгоградского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


A. V. Slavin (Volzhsky Institute of Construction Engineering and Technology (branch) Volgograd State University of Architecture and Construction) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


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1. Khudobin L. V. (Ed.), Uniapin A. N. (2007). Minimizing the clogging of grinding wheels. Ul'ianovsk: UlGTU.
2. Ostrovskii V. I. (1981). Theoretical bases of grinding process. Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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