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10 | 03 | 2025
2014, 02 февраль (February)

DOI: 10.14489/hb.2014.02.pp.054-056

Микаева С. А., Абрамова Л. В., Михайлова Е. М.
(с. 54-56)

Аннотация. Оценка световой среды, создаваемой осветительной установкой со светодиодами, проводилась по видимости объектов наблюдения, времени ахроматической адиспаропии и степени зрительного утомления. Представлены результаты исследования условий освещения, создаваемого светодиодными источниками излучения. Определены наиболее благоприятные условия освещения для объектов зрительной работы I – IV разрядов СП52.13330.2011.

Ключевые слова: осветительная установка; освещенность; светодиоды; угловой размер; видимость объектов наблюдения; время адиспаропии; зрительное утомление.

Mikaeva S. A., Abramova L. V., Mihaylova E. M.

(pp. 54-56)

Abstract. Assessment of the light environment created by the lighting system with LEDs, was the visibility of objects of observation, the time of achromatic адиспаропии and degree of visual fatigue. This paper studies the visibility of diffuse objects of discernment and visual fatigue depending on the level of illumination of the working surface and the complexity of the visual task. Experimental setup was an adaptation camera size 1.30.650.70 m, the internal surface of which is covered with white diffuse-reflective material on the reflection coefficient of 0.8. For lighting used the light fixture above the object of observation at a height of 0.5 m above the working surface. As a radiation source used light-emitting diodes high intensity type Of-337. The outlet of a lighting device blocked by the lens. The level of illumination of the working surface varied from 100 to 1000 Lux regulation of the voltage of the power source. Unevenness of the illumination of the surface does not exceed ±10 %. Illumination measurements were performed using a light meter “TKA – Suite”, which has a limit to the permissible value of the relative error of plus or minus 6 %. Results of research of the lighting conditions generated by the led radiation sources. The most favorable conditions lighting for visual objects of I – IV categories СП52.13330.2011. Increase light levels from 100 to 1000 Lux leads to reduce visual fatigue 19 – 42 %, which corresponds to the increased visibility of the objects studied observations on the 38 – 66 %. In the conditions of the constancy of the light level of the working surface of the degree of visual fatigue depends on the complexity of the visual and with increasing angular size from 1′ to 10′ reduced by 19 – 31 %. When the studied types of the lighting fatigue of the organ of vision is more sensitive to changes in the level of illumination of the working surface in comparison with angular size of objects of visual work. Defined favorable levels of illumination of the working surface, providing the greatest visibility of objects and the lowest degree of visual fatigue for α = 1′ (700 Lux), α = 5′ (600 LX), α = 10′ (500 Lux). Comparative evaluation of the influence of the conditions of lighting with LEDs and incandescent light on the degree of visual fatigue showed that in lighting installations is advisableto use led light sources.

Keywords: Illuminating installation; Illuminance; LEDs (light emitting diodes); Angle size; Visibility of the observed objects; Time of achromatic adisparopia; Visual fatique.


С. А. Микаева (Московский государственный университет приборостроения и информатики)
Л. В. Абрамова, Е. М. Михайлова (Мордовский государственный университет им. Н. П. Огарева, Саранск) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.


S. A. Mikaeva (Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics)
L. V. Abramova (Mordovia State University) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.


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2. Абрамова Л. В., Амелькина С. А. Исследование интегральных показателей зрительной работы в условиях освещения метал-логалогенными лампами малой мощности // Светотехника. 2007. № 3. С. 54–55.


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