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2022, 05 май (May)

DOI: 10.14489/hb.2022.05.pp.022-027

Любимый Н. С., Польшин А. А., Тихонов А. А., Герасимов М. Д., Рязанцев В. Г., Четвериков Б. С., Анциферов С. И., Романович А. А.
(c. 22-27)

Аннотация. Аддитивное производство металлических деталей все больше применяется в машиностроении, но еще остается слишком дорогим для массового использования. На основе опыта производства комбинированных металл-металлополимерных формообразующих деталей пресс-форм предложен новый метод производства композитных деталей из металлической оболочки, заполненной металлополимером. В качестве основы исследования приводятся прочностные расчеты методом конечных элементов детали экзоскелета и образца упрощенной геометрии. Сравнение прочностных характеристик деталей из различных материалов и их комбинаций показало высокие прочностные характеристики композитной детали, изготовленной из металлической оболочки и металлополимерного наполнителя. Композитная деталь металл-металлополимер отличается не только высокой прочностью, но и значительно более низкой стоимостью в результате сокращения объема 3D-печати металлом. В статье дано обоснование основным проблемам, стоящим перед исследователями и технологами при разработке практически применимой технологии получения таких композитных деталей.

Ключевые слова: металлополимеры; композиты; механические характеристики; генеративный дизайн; аддитивное производство; топологическая оптимизация; материалоемкость; реактопласт.


Lubimyi N. S., Polshin A. A., Tikhonov A. A., Gerasimov M. D., Ryazantsev V. G., Chetverikov B. S., Antsiferov S. I., Romanovich A. A.
(pp. 22-27)

Abstract. Additive manufacturing of metal parts occupies an increasing number of areas of mechanical engineering, but still remains too expensive for mass use. Based on the experience in the production of combined metal-metal polymer forming parts of molds, a new method for the production of composite parts from a metal shell filled with metal polymer is proposed. The strength calculations by the finite element method of the exoskeleton part and a sample of simplified geometry are given as the basis of the study. A comparison of the strength characteristics of parts made of various materials and their combinations showed high strength characteristics of a composite part made of a metal shell and a metal polymer filler. The metal-metal polymer composite part is distinguished not only by its high strength, but also by a significantly lower cost due to the reduction in the volume of 3D printing with metal. The article substantiates the main problems facing researchers and technologists in the development of a practically applicable technology for producing such composite parts.

Keywords: Metal polymers; Composites; Mechanical characteristics; Generative design; Additive manufacturing; Topological optimization; Material consumption; Reactoplast.


Н. С. Любимый,  А. А. Польшин, А. А. Тихонов, М. Д. Герасимов, В. Г. Рязанцев, Б. С. Четвериков, С. И. Анциферов, А. А. Романович (Белгородский государственный технологический университет им. В. Г. Шухова, Белгород, Россия) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


N. S. Lubimyi, A. A. Polshin, A. A. Tikhonov, M. D. Gerasimov, V. G. Ryazantsev, B. S. Chetverikov, S. I. Antsiferov, A. A. Romanovich (Belgorod State Technological University. V. G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia) E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.  


1. Lubimyi N., Annenko D., Chepchurov M., Kostoev Z. The Research of the Temperature Effect on a Metal Polymer During Flat Grinding of a Combined Metal Polymer Part // Aust. J. Mech. Eng. 2020. DOI 10.1080/14484846. 2020.1786654.
2. Chepchurov M. S., Lubimyi N. S., Voronenko V. P., Adeniyi D. R. Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Metal-Polymers. 2019. V. 973 MSF.
3. Lubimyi N. S., Voronenko V. P., Chepchurov M. S., Evtushenko E. I. Calculation of Fixing Element of Metal-polymeric Mold-Forming Surface of Mold in Metal Cage, 2017.
4. Ryabikina М. А. 3D Metal Printing: a Brief SWOT Analysis. Report. Priazovskyi State Tech. Univ. Sect. Tech. Sci. 2019, 0. DOI 10.31498/2225-6733.38.2019.181282.
5. Buchanan C., Gardner L. Metal 3D Printing in Construction: A Review of Methods, Research, Applications, Opportunities and Challenges // Eng. Struct. 2019. V. 180. P. 332 – 348. DOI 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.11.045.
6. The effect of Porosity on the Mechanical Property of Metal-Bonded Diamond Grinding Wheel Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting (SLM) / C. Tian, X. Li, H. Li, et al // Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 2019. V. 743. P. 697 – 706. DOI 10.1016/j.msea.2018.11.138.
7. Systematic Approach for Reducing Micro-Crack Formation in Inconel 713LC Components Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion / H.-Y. Lo, Wang Y.-L., H.-C. Tran, et al. // Rapid Prototyp. J. 2021. V. 27. P. 1548 – 1561. DOI 10.1108/RPJ-11-2020-0282.
8. Associates W. Wohlers Report 2020: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Global State of the Industry. Wohlers Assoc. Inc. 2020.
9. Szykiedans K., Credo W. Mechanical Properties of FDM and SLA Low-Cost 3D Prints. In Proceedings of the Procedia Engineering. 2016. V. 136. P. 257 – 262.
10. Production of Technological Plugs for Engine Box and Oil System Using Additive Technologies / O. A. Bytsenko, N. A. Bessonova, E. E. Dzhafarov, et al. // INCAS Bull. 2021. V. 13. P. 21 – 27. DOI 10.13111/2066-8201.2021. V. 13. P. 3.
11. Palka D. Use of Reverse Engineering and Additive Printing in the Reconstruction of Gears. Multidiscip. Asp. prod. Eng. 2020. 3. DOI 10.2478/mape-2020-0024.
12. Haleem A., Javaid M. 3D Printed Medical Parts with Different Materials Using Additive Manufacturing // Clin. Epidemiol. Glob. Heal. 2020. V. 8. P. 215 – 223. DOI 10.1016/j.cegh.2019.08.002.
13. An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects: Task Training System for Stroke Rehabilitation / N. S. K. Ho, K. Y. Tong, X. L. Hu, et al. // In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. 2011.
14. Baharuddin Angraini R. Performance Evaluation of Image Transmission Using Diversity Selection Combining Technique // In Proceedings of the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. V. 602.
15. Effect of Alloying on the Nucleation and Growth of Laves Phase in the 9–10% Cr – 3% Co Martensitic Steels During Creep / A. Fedoseeva, I. Nikitin, E. Tkachev, et al. // Metals (Basel). 2021. 11. DOI 10.3390/met11010060.
16. Khan S., Gunpinar E., Moriguchi M., Suzuki H. Evolving a Psycho-Physical Distance Metric for Generative Design Exploration of Diverse Shapes // J. Mech. Des. Trans. ASME. 2019. 141. DOI 10.1115/1.4043678.
17. Nisar M. M., Zia S., Fenoon M., Alquabeh O. Generative Design of a Mechanical Pedal // Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 2021. 6. DOI 10.21791/ijems.2021.1.5.
18. Generative Design Approach for Product Development / P. R. Shrestha, D. Timalsina, S. Bista, et al. // In Proceedings of the AIP Conference Proceedings. 2021. V. 2397.
19. Teterina I., Lyubimyy N. Metal-Metal/Polymer Flat Surface Processing of Shaping Part of Mold. Bull. Belgorod State Technol. Univ. named after. V. G. Shukhov. 2017. 2. DOI 10.12737/article_5926a059d41090.42426682.
20. Dai S., Wang X., Zhang H., Wen B. Research on Variation of Grinding Temperature of Wind Turbine Blade robotic Grinding. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part B J. Eng. Manuf. 2021. 235. DOI 10.1177/0954405420972988.


1. Lubimyi N., Annenko D., Chepchurov M., Kostoev Z. (2020). The Research of the Temperature Effect on a Metal Polymer During Flat Grinding of a Combined Metal Polymer Part. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering. DOI 10.1080/14484846. 2020.1786654
2. Chepchurov M. S., Lubimyi N. S., Voronenko V. P., Adeniyi D. R. (2019). Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Metal-Polymers, Vol. 973 MSF.
3. Lubimyi N. S., Voronenko V. P., Chepchurov M. S., Evtushenko E. I. (2017). Calculation of Fixing Element of Metal-polymeric Mold-Forming Surface of Mold in Metal Cage.
4. Ryabikina М. А. (2019). 3D Metal Printing: a Brief SWOT Analysis. Report. Priazovskyi State Technical University. Sect. Technical Science. DOI 10.31498/2225-6733.38.2019.181282
5. Buchanan C., Gardner L. (2019). Metal 3D Printing in Construction: A Review of Methods, Research, Applications, Opportunities and Challenges. Engineering Structures, Vol. 180, pp. 332 – 348. DOI 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.11.045
6. Tian C., Li X., Li H. et al. (2019). The Effect of Porosity on the Mechanical Property of Metal-Bonded Diamond Grinding Wheel Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting (SLM). Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 743, pp. 697 – 706. DOI 10.1016/j.msea.2018.11.138
7. Lo H.-Y., Wang Y.-L., Tran H.-C. et al. (2021). Systematic Approach for Reducing Micro-Crack Formation in Inconel 713LC Components Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 1548 – 1561. DOI 10.1108/RPJ-11-2020-0282
8. Associates W. (2020). Wohlers Report 2020: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Global State of the Industry. Wohlers Associates. Inc.
9. Szykiedans K., Credo W. (2016). Mechanical Properties of FDM and SLA Low-Cost 3D Prints. In Proceedings of the Procedia Engineering, Vol. 136, pp. 257 – 262.
10. Bytsenko O. A., Bessonova N. A., Dzhafarov E. E. et al. (2021). Production of Technological Plugs for Engine Box and Oil System Using Additive Technologies. INCAS Bull, Vol. 13, pp. 21 – 27. DOI 10.13111/2066-8201.2021
11. Palka D. (2020). Use of Reverse Engineering and Additive Printing in the Reconstruction of Gears. Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering Journal, (3). DOI 10.2478/mape-2020-0024
12. Haleem A., Javaid M. (2020). 3D Printed Medical Parts with Different Materials Using Additive Manufacturing. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Vol. 8, pp. 215 – 223. DOI 10.1016/j.cegh.2019.08.002
13. Ho N. S. K., Tong K. Y., Hu X. L. et al. (2011). An EMG-Driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training Device on Chronic Stroke Subjects: Task Training System for Stroke Rehabilitation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics.
14. Baharuddin Angraini R. (2019). Performance Evaluation of Image Transmission Using Diversity Selection Combining Technique. In Proceedings of the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 602.
15. Fedoseeva A., Nikitin I., Tkachev E. et al. (2021). Effect of Alloying on the Nucleation and Growth of Laves Phase in the 9–10% Cr – 3% Co Martensitic Steels During Creep. Metals (Basel), (11). DOI 10.3390/met11010060
16. Khan S., Gunpinar E., Moriguchi M., Suzuki H. (2019). Evolving a Psycho-Physical Distance Metric for Generative Design Exploration of Diverse Shapes. Journal of Mechanical Design - Transactions of The Asme, 141. DOI 10.1115/1.4043678
17. Nisar M. M., Zia S., Fenoon M., Alquabeh O. (2021). Generative Design of a Mechanical Pedal. International Journal of Engineering, Management and Sciences, (6). DOI 10.21791/ijems.2021.1.5
18. Shrestha P. R., Timalsina D., Bista S. et al. (2021). Generative Design Approach for Product Development.In Proceedings of the AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2397.
19. Teterina I., Lyubimyy N. (2017). Metal-Metal/Polymer Flat Surface Processing of Shaping Part of Mold. Bulletin Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, (2). DOI 10.12737/article_5926a059d41090.42426682
20. Dai S., Wang X., Zhang H., Wen B. (2021). Research on Variation of Grinding Temperature of Wind Turbine Blade Robotic Grinding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of engineering manufacture, 235. DOI 10.1177/0954405420972988


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